
Enroll Child

Now Accepting Applications for the 24-25 School Year!


Enrolling your child in Klamath Family Head Start provides a life-changing opportunity for the entire family. 

We work each day to build and nurture social relationships and competence with our students. Our goal is to bolster cognitive competency through problem solving and decision making, to strengthen each individual child’s school-readiness skills, and build a sense of belonging and enthusiasm for lifelong learning.

How it Works

Our enrollment process consists of:

  • Filling out an application 
  • Completing an interview
  • Determining eligibility

Families will be automatically eligible for Head Start if they:

  • Earn less income than the federal poverty guidelines
  • Are currently experiencing homelessness
  • Are receiving SNAP, TANF, or SSI
  • Are enrolling a child in foster care

Once the above steps are complete, your child will be placed on the waiting list for Klamath Family Head Start.  The waiting list is based on your family’s eligibility and additional family needs, as well as program space.

We will contact you as soon as we have a spot for your child to enroll!


Ready to upload eligibility documents? You can use our secure portal here: 



Enrolling Your Child

Ready to take the next step?

Please fill out our online application form.

For questions, or to set up an application by phone, please call (541) 882-5988 or email the recruitment team at ersea@kfheadstart.org.